Spencer's Apiaries

Api means "bee" in latin.  An apiary is a place where the beekeeper cares for his bees.  We beegan in 2013 when we installed two packages of bees into their hives on a small farm called "Four Winds" in Oakland twp. Mi.  The mission was to introduce and care for these amazing pollinators, while partnering with them to bring people the gifts that they provide.  We started with little, and we had no background in beekeeping or agriculture.  Every year has been a learning experience (to say the least), and we have had some horrible lows and some amazing highs in these few small years.  Currently we have 31 hives and an observation hive (that we keep in our bedroom) that we take out for educational opportunities.  We still have bees at Four Winds, but also at Upland Hills and at Yates.  Over the years our passion for these amazing creatures has only increased, as has our understanding of them and what they bring us.  We work hard to place their needs above profit - to keep their wellbeing always at the front of what we do.  Secondly, to handle and work with their gifts as the blessings that they are, and to bring them to others in the purist forms possible.  Our sales go back into the business, which in turn brings in more bees and allows us to bring you more of their gifts.  Thank you for your support, for your caring for the bees and our little business.