Please note, our listed business address is where our orders are shipped from, and where we provide free customer pickups for online orders.

Here is a list of our EXCELLENT retailers that do a great job of representing our products and bees.  Please do give them your support!  

Please reach out to me if you are interested in becoming a retailer as well!

Lake Orion:  

     Rebekahs' Health and Nutrition Source

     Yates Cider Mill

     Oat Soda


     Rebekah's Health and Nutrition Source


     Rebekah's Health and Nutrition Source

Grand Blanc: 

     Rebekah's Health and Nutrition Source


     Yates Cider Mill

     The Spice and Tea Exchange

Sterling Heights:



     Oasis Health Food


     Willow Pointe

Rebekah's Health and Nutrition Source